<!-- --> Wall Drawing 999: Parallel Curves (detail: one of two walls) August 2001 Acrylic paint (black bands on white) Collection of Thomas Weisel First Installation Lever House, New York First Drawn By Paolo Arao, Nicole Awai, Ian Dapot, Megan G. Dyer, Sarah Heinemann, John Hogan, Eric Hongisto, Tomas Ramberg MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 999 was designed for the Lever House in New York, one of the first glass and steel International Style office buildings built in…
Find out more »<!-- --> On blue walls, all two-part combinations of white arcs from corners and sides, and white straight, not straight, and broken lines within a 36-inch (90 cm) grid. June 2000 White crayon, black pencil on blue wall LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation By Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago First Drawn By Mio St. Clair, Ginger Wolfe, James Kendrick
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall bordered and divided vertically into two parts by a flat black band. Left part: a square is divided vertically by a curvy line. Left: glossy red; right: glossy green; Right part: a square is divided horizontally by a curvy line. Top: glossy blue; bottom: glossy orange. June 1998 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Palazzo Forti, Verona First Drawn By Cristina Caterinangeli, Anthony Sansotta MASS MoCA Building…
Find out more »<!-- --> The first drafter has a black marker and makes an irregular horizontal line near the top of the wall. Then the second drafter tries to copy it (without touching it) using a red marker. The third drafter does the same, using a yellow marker. The fourth drafter does the same using a blue marker. Then the second drafter followed by the third and fourth copies the last line drawn until the bottom of the wall is reached. October…
Find out more »<!-- --> On four walls, one room, arcs 4 inches (10 cm) wide, from the midpoints of four sides, drawn with alternating bands of gray and black ink wash (Detail: three walls). January 1986 India ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, Italy First Drawn By Sergio Cavazzini, Mauro Pitaccolo, Anthony Sansotta, Sergio Sarra MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 462 is one of a series featuring ink wash arcs and circles in…
Find out more »<!-- --> Grid and arcs from four corners. (ACG 103) March 1972 Black pencil LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Paul Toner residence, New York First Drawn By S. Kato, Ryo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor By 1971, Sol LeWitt had begun to add arcs and circles to his vocabulary. In 1972, he created a book, Arcs, Circles, and Grids, for Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland, which contained pen and ink drawings depicting all possible combinations of the three elements…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall is divided into four horizontal parts. In the top row are four equal divisions, each with lines in a different direction. In the second row, six double combinations; in the third row, four triple combinations; in the bottom row, all four combinations superimposed. June 1971 Colored pencil LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation LeWitt residence, New York First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Sol LeWitt's early wall drawings, which feature lines…
Find out more »<!-- --> Form derived from a cube. November 2000 Black pencil Collection of Deborah Ronnen, Rochester First Installation Whitney Museum of American Art, New York First Drawn By Mio St. Clair MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 957, first executed in 2000 at the Whitney Museum of American Art, presents two isometric forms derived from a cube. These forms are rendered isometrically, a method that Sol LeWitt first began to experiment with in the early 1980s. Angled toward the…
Find out more »Drawing Series IV (A) with India ink washes. (24 Drawings.) March 1984 India ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Moderna Museet, Stockholm First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Jo Watanabe In the early 1980s Sol LeWitt began to use India ink and colored ink washes. The ink is applied with soft rags and dabbed onto the walls. The technique gives the works a fresco-like quality. LeWitt frequently applied the same systems he had used when working with pencil to…
Find out more »<!-- --> Bars of color within a square (#8). April 2002 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galleria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid First Drawn By Sachiko Cho, Pia Frade Dodriguez, Aurora Ortega, Rafael Aragon Romero MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 1037 is part of a series of wall drawings titled Bars of color within a square, the idea for which was conceived in March 2002 in a group of drawings for an…
Find out more »<!-- --> Irregular wavy color bands. January 1996 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Sala de las Alhajas, Madrid First Drawn By Sachiko Cho, Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Many of Sol LeWitt's ink wall drawings consist of thick bands of color. Until 1996 these bands took the form of parallel lines or concentric arcs. In 1996, however, LeWitt began to experiment with covering walls with curvy bands of uneven widths.…
Find out more »<!-- --> Twenty-one isometric cubes of varying sizes, each with color ink washes superimposed. September 1994 Color ink wash San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Accessions Committee Fund: gift of Barbara and Gerson Bakar, Emily Carroll and Thomas Weisel, Jean and James E. Douglas, Jr., Evelyn D. Haas, the Modern Art Council, Phyllis and Stuart G. Moldaw, Robin Wright Moll, Norah and Norman Stone, Danielle and Brooks Walker Jr., and Judy and John Webb. 2000.301 First Installation Renn Espace, Paris…
Find out more »<!-- --> Planes of color. March 2003 Acrylic paint Yale University Art Gallery Gift of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut, in honor of Sylvia Plimack Mangold, B.F.A. 1961 and Robert Mangold, B.F.A. 1961, M.F.A. 1963 First Installation Kunstammlungen Chemnitz, Germany First Drawn By Michael Aurich, José Augusto, Proa Daniel, Megan Dyer, Jan Kummer, Frank Maibier, Hilmar Messenbrink, Erik Neukirchner, Tomas Ramberg, Ralph Siebenborn, Mattias Stein The exuberance of the surface of this piece, due to the bright palette and relative…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black outlined square with a red diagonal line centered on the axis between the upper left and lower right corners and another red diagonal line centered on the axis between the lower left and upper right corners. April 1973 Red and black crayon Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Museum of Modern Art, Oxford First Drawn By Sol LeWitt, Nicholas Logsdail MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor The exhaustion of the possibilities of a…
Find out more »<!-- --> A square is divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with lines in four directions superimposed progressively. August 1970 Black pencil LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation LeWitt residence, New York First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Sol LeWitt's early wall drawings were based on finite series of what he termed simple lines (lines drawn in one of four basic directions: vertical, horizontal, diagonal left, and diagonal right), as well as…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall is divided into two equal parts by a line drawn from corner to corner. Left: alternating diagonal black and white 8-inch (20 cm) bands from the lower left. Right: alternating diagonal black and white 8-inch (20 cm) bands from the upper right. January 1990 India ink Yale University Art Gallery Gift of Alexis B. Dittmer and Jason J. Dittmer First Installation Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam First Drawn By Paul Kleijne, Milco Onrust, Marien Schouten MASS MoCA Building 7…
Find out more »<!-- --> Continuous forms with color ink washes superimposed. October 1991 Color ink wash Collection of Martin E. Zimmerman/LINC Group First Installation LINC Group, Chicago First Drawn By Rebecca Schwab MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor In the early 1990s Sol LeWitt created a series of wall drawings depicting continuous forms. These forms represent a variation on the isometric cubes that the artist explored in his wall drawings of the previous decade. By repeatedly rotating the isometric forms, the artist created…
Find out more »<!-- --> Scribbles 7. (PW) August 2007 Graphite The Doris and Donald Fisher Collection at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art First Installation Pace Wildenstein, New York First Drawn By Charles Allen, Takeshi Arita, Andrew Colbert, Sarah Heinemann, John Hogan, Gabriel Hurier, Sara Krugman, Roland Lusk, Anthony Sansotta, Michael-Benjamin Vedder MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor In 2005 Sol LeWitt began a series of scribble wall drawings, so termed because they required the draftsmen to fill in areas of…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall divided vertically into four equal squares separated and bordered by black bands. Within each square, bands in one of four directions, each with color ink washes superimposed. August 1993 Color ink wash National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection, Gift of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, Trustees, 1993.41.1 First Installation National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. First Drawn By Sachiko Cho, Kei Tsujimura MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Sol LeWitt's earliest wall…
Find out more »<!-- --> Squares, divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts. Within each part, color ink washes superimposed. The squares are bordered by a ½-inch (1¼ cm) white band and a 4-inch (10 cm) black band. January 1989 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland First Drawn By Babette Berger, Vincent Chablais, David Higginbotham, Marianne Kohler, Maria Lichsteiner, Michael Lüscher, Andrea Marescalchi, Axel Morgenthaler, Anthony Sansotta, Martin Schnidrig, Rebecca Schwab, Claude…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black square divided in two parts by a wavy line. One part flat; one glossy. April 1997 Acrylic paint 824A,B,C,E,F,H,J,K,L,M,N: Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (Designated for Yale University Art Gallery) 824G: Lent by Alan Gibbs First Installation Ace Gallery, New York First Drawn By Artistides Dé Leon, Sachiko Cho, Derek Edwards, Naomi Fox, Henry Levine, Sunhee Lim, Jason Livingston, Emil Memon, Travis Molkenbur, Caroline Rothwell MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 824 demonstrates…
Find out more »<!-- --> A 6-inch (15 cm) grid covering the wall. Within each square, not straight lines in either of four directions. Only one direction in each square but as many as desired, and at least one line in each square. June 1971 Black pencil Milwaukee Art Museum, Gift of Friends of Art, M2006.1 First Installation The Milwaukee Art Center, Milwaukee First Drawn By William Torphy MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Dating from June 1971, Wall Drawing 88 is exemplary…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall divided vertically into six equal parts, with two of the four kinds of line directions superimposed in each part. September 1969 Black pencil Panza Collection First Installation Dwan Gallery, New York First Drawn By Steven Gwon, Chris Hansen, T. Julia, Al Williams, Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 19 is one of four drawings that were first shown as a four-part series drawn on the four walls of the Dwan Gallery in…
Find out more »Within a four-meter (160”) circle, draw 10,000 black straight lines and 10,000 black not straight lines. All lines are randomly spaced and equally distributed. August 2005 Marker Yale University Art Gallery Gift of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut, in honor of Terry and Richard Albright, B.A. 1961 First Installation Galerie Sfeir-Semler, Beirut, Lebanon First Drawn By Antoine Joseph Helou, Christine Streuli, Rayyan Tabet MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor On first glance, Wall Drawing 1180 appears to be a consuming, absorbing…
Find out more »<!-- --> A square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with a progressively darker gradation of gray. February 1984 India ink wash and color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Anthony Sansotta, and others MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 365 was first installed in 1984 at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, as part of the Sol LeWitt Wall Drawings 1968-1984 retrospective. In the exhibition this ink…
Find out more »<!-- --> Double Drawing. Right: Isometric Figure (Cube) with progressively darker graduations of gray on each of three planes; Left: Isometric figure with red, yellow, and blue superimposed progressively on each of the three planes. The background is gray. March 1993 Color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover First Drawn By John Crowley, Christina Hejtmanek, Addison Parks, Anthony Sansotta, Mark Snow, Eric Ziemann MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Sol LeWitt's…
Find out more »<!-- --> Drawing Series Part I-IV, #1-24, A B. (192 drawings). August 2006 Colored pencil Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Dia:Beacon, Beacon, New York First Drawn By Lacey Fekishazy, Mary Gagne, Nick Kozak, Roland Lusk, Tanya Merrill, Darin Roberts, Anthony Sansotta MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Between 1969 and 1970 Sol LeWitt created four Drawings Series, which presented different combinations of the basic elements that governed many of his early wall drawings. In each series he…
Find out more »<!-- --> Four-part drawing with a different line direction in each part. September 1969 Black pencil Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York. The Panza Collection and Geroge B. and Jenny R. Mathews Fund, by exchange, George B. and Jenny R. Mathews fund and Charles Clifton Fund, by exchange, 2008 First Installation Dwan Gallery, New York First Drawn By Steven Gwon, Chris Hansen, T. Julia, Al Williams, Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Sol LeWitt's early wall drawings…
Find out more »<!-- --> Scribbles: Inverted curve (vertical). October 2005 Graphite Collection of Alessandro Maccaferri First Installation Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, Italy First Drawn By Asmir Ademagic, Rachela Abbate, Marco Bertozzi, Elisa Cancucci, Alessandra Frisan, Elena Latini, Luca Lolli,Viviana Longo, Benny Mangone, Juri Marsigli, Maria Lucrezia Schiavarelli, Anthony Sansotta, Francesca Simeone, Alessio Tugnoli, Simone Vagnetti MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 1186 is one of three scribble drawings that were first designed for Galleria Studio G7 in Bologna. These three…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black outlined square with a red diagonal line from the lower left corner toward the upper right corner; and another red line from the lower right corner to the upper left. April 1973 Red and black crayon Private Collection, Durham, North Carolina First Installation Museum of Modern Art, Oxford First Drawn By Sol LeWitt, Nicholas Logsdail MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor This is the earliest example of Sol LeWitt's location drawings on view at MASS MoCA.…
Find out more »<!-- --> The wall is bordered and divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts with a 6-inch (15 cm) black ink band. Each quarter has alternating parallel 6-inch (15 cm) bands of white and color ink bands. Upper left: gray; upper right: yellow; lower left: red; lower right: blue. September 1984 Color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Yvon Lambert Gallery, Paris First Drawn By Takeshi Arita, David Higginbotham MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor When Sol LeWitt…
Find out more »<!-- --> Arcs, circle, and irregular bands. September 1999 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Paula Cooper Gallery, New York First Drawn By Dana Carlson, Christina Hejtmanek, James Sheehen, Emily Ripley MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 915 can be read as an amalgamation of many of Sol LeWitt's formal themes from the 1960s through the 1990s. These include his rectangles within rectangles, a motif he first explored in the sculptural pieces from the…
Find out more »<!-- --> Black rectangles and squares. June 1995 Dispersion paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Ludwigsburger Schlossfestpiele, Ludwigsburg, Germany First Drawn By Alge Algermissen, Sabine Griesingen, Paul James Haworth, Hartmt Hengerer, Anthony Sansotta, Jogi Wegrzyn, Jeroen van der Velden, Miriam Wawrzihek MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Applying horizontal and vertical white bands to a field of deep black, Sol LeWitt creates a composition of rectangles and squares in Wall Drawing 792. Throughout his career, LeWitt explored…
Find out more »<!-- --> Two-part drawing. The two walls are each divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts. First wall: 12-inch (30 cm) bands of lines in four directions, one direction in each part, drawn in black India ink. Second wall: Same, but with four colors drawn in India ink and color ink washes. April 1983 India ink and color ink wash Musée dArt Contemporain de Bordeaux (CAPC) First Installation Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux First Drawn By Salah Abid,…
Find out more »<!-- --> Stars with three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine points, drawn with a light tone India ink wash inside, an India ink wash outside, separated by a 6-inch (15 cm) white band. January 1983 India ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Carol Taylor Art, Dallas First Drawn By Julie Jarvis, Renee Miliken, Anthony Sansotta MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Like nearby Wall Drawing 396, Wall Drawing 386 consists of a progression…
Find out more »A wall divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts. Within each part, three of the four kinds of lines are superimposed.
Find out more »<!-- --> Isometric form. May 2002 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Donald Young Gallery, Chicago First Drawn By Anthony Elms, John Hogan, Colleen Kelsey Executed for an exhibit of new work by Donald Young's gallery artists, Wall Drawing 1042 is an example of Sol LeWitt's acrylic wall drawings first created in the early 2000s, which frequently explored open isometric forms using bold acrylic colors. These drawings represent a continuation of the ideas that the…
Find out more »<!-- --> (Detail: square and circle) On four black walls, white vertical parallel lines, and in the center of the walls, eight geometric figures (including cross, X) within which are white horizontal parallel lines. The vertical lines do not enter the figures. May 1980 White crayon on black wall Tate: Purchased 1980 First Installation Lisson Gallery, London First Drawn By David Connearn, Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Throughout the 1970s Sol LeWitt expanded his vocabulary to include…
Find out more »<!-- --> Tissue paper cut into 1½-inch (4 cm) squares and inserted into holes in the gray pegboard walls. All holes in the walls are filled randomly. April 1970 Colored tissue papers, gray pegboard walls Panza Collection First Installation Tokyo Biennial, Tokyo First Drawn By Unknown MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor In Wall Drawing 38, small rolls of colored tissue project from the surface of the wall. Viewers moving through the gallery space are confronted with shifting arrays of…
Find out more »<!-- --> The room (or wall) is divided vertically into fifteen parts. All one-, two-, three-, and four-part combinations of four colors, using color ink washes. November 1984 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam First Drawn By Anthony Sansotta, Marien Schouten, Wim Starkenburg, Willem Wolff MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor In the mid-1980s Sol LeWitt, who had already been working with ink washes for a few years, began to layer the…
Find out more »<!-- --> Square with broken bands of color. December 2003 Acrylic paint Collection of Henry S. McNeil First Installation Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago First Drawn By Juozas Cernius, Vincent Como, Sandra Dillon, John Hogan, Josh Mills MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Square with broken bands of color is an example of the exuberant wall drawings that Sol LeWitt created in the late 1990s and early 2000s using acrylic paint. Many of the works from this time are seen as…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black outlined square with a red horizontal line from the midpoint of the left side toward the middle of the right side. April 1973 Red and black crayon Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (Designated for Yale University Art Gallery) First Installation Museum of Modern Art, Oxford First Drawn By Sol LeWitt, Nicholas Logsdail MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Located on the same wall as wall drawings Wall Drawing 160, Wall Drawing 164 and Wall…
Find out more »<!-- --> Splat. November 2000 Acrylic paint LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation PaceWildenstein, New York First Drawn By Takeshi Arita, Cristina Caterinangeli, Sachiko Cho, Kevin Oster MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 958 was first created at PaceWildenstein gallery for an exhibition that ran concurrently with Sol LeWitt's retrospective at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The brilliant colors and animated form of this wall drawing illustrate the playful mood that began to pervade LeWitt's work in the…
Find out more »Whirls and twirls. (Met) April 2005 Acrylic paint LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Metropolitan Museum of Art, Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden First Drawn By Takeshi Arita, Sarah Heinemann, Gabriel Hurier, Chie Shimizu Whirls and Twirls was created for the Iris B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Sol LeWitt designed the wall drawing to accompany a series of abstract three-dimensional forms called Splotches. The artist saw the curvilinear forms…
Find out more »<!-- --> Isometric figure with color ink washes superimposed. June 1989 Color ink wash Yale University Art Gallery Gift of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut, in honor of Suzanne Hellmuth and Jock Reynolds First Installation Fundacio Joan Miró, Barcelona First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Elizabeth Sacre MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Wall Drawing 610 was first drafted in the late 1980s, during the period of Sol LeWitt's career in which he was creating ink wash wall drawings featuring isometric forms.…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall divided into fifteen equal parts, each with a different line direction, and all combinations. June 1970 Black pencil Private collection First Installation Private residence First Drawn By Kazuko Miyamoto MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 47 is emblematic of Sol LeWitt's systematic exploration of lines going in four basic directions: vertical, horizontal, diagonal left, and diagonal right. The drawing presents the four absolute lines layered sequentially, thus presenting their single, double, triple, and quadruple…
Find out more »<!-- --> A white square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with a different direction of alternating flat and glossy bands. March 2007 Acrylic paint LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Sean Kelly Gallery, New York First Drawn By John Hogan MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 821A was created for Pure, an exhibit of works that conceptually and formally investigate the color white. By alternating flat and glossy bands of white acrylic paint, Sol LeWitt…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black five-pointed star, a yellow six-pointed star, a red seven-pointed star, and a blue eight-pointed star, drawn in color and India ink washes. May 1983 India ink wash and color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Accademia de Belle Arti, Perugia First Drawn By Oriano Baldelli, Alain Bolzan, Luca Constantini, Eduard Winklhofer MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Geometric shapes began to appear in outline in Sol LeWitt's wall drawings as early as 1975, but…
Find out more »<!-- --> Drawing Series IV (A) with color ink washes. (24 drawings.) March 1984 Color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Moderna Museet, Stockholm First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor In the early 1980s, Sol LeWitt began to use India ink and colored ink washes, which are applied to walls with soft rags, a technique that creates jewel-tone colors and gives the works a fresco-like quality. LeWitt frequently applied the same systems…
Find out more »<!-- --> Color bands and black blob. The wall is divided vertically into six equal bands; red; yellow; blue; orange; purple; green. In the center is a black glossy blob. May 1999 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (Designated for Yale University Art Gallery) First Installation Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia First Drawn By Elyce Abrams, David Dempewolf, Joy Feasley, Meghan Ganser, Michael Gibbons, John Gibbons, Chris Hensel, John Hogan, Beth Leatherman, Tristin Lowe, Stephen Malmed, Sarah…
Find out more »<!-- --> All architectural points connected by straight lines. June 1970 Blue snap lines LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Sperone Gallery, Turin, Italy and Museo di Torino, Turin, Italy First Drawn By P. Giacchi, A. Giamasco, G. Mosca MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 51 was first installed in 1970 in Turin at both the Museo di Torino and the Sperone Gallery. Although on display simultaneously, the site-specific nature of this drawing means that each installation is…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall divided horizontally by a curvy line. The top is flat black; the bottom is glossy black. April 1997 Acrylic Paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Ace Gallery, New York First Drawn By Artistides Dé Leon, Sachiko Cho, Derek Edwards, Naomi Fox, Henry Levine, Sunhee Lim, Jason Livingston, Emil Memon, Travis Molkenbur, Caroline Rothwell MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 822 was first created for a 1997 exhibit at the Ace Gallery…
Find out more »<!-- --> Vertical lines, not straight, not touching, covering the wall evenly. May 1970 Black pencil LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Yvon Lambert Gallery, Paris First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor This wall drawing is dedicated to sculptor Eva Hesse. Sol LeWitt and Hesse were close friends, and LeWitt credits Hesse's aesthetic sensibilities with motivating his use of the not straight line. This type of mark appears here for the first time, in the…
Find out more »<!-- --> Three concentric arches. The outside one is blue; the middle red; and the inside one is yellow. November 1988 Color ink wash Private collection, New York First Installation Sala 1, Rome First Drawn By Andrea Marescalchi MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor The original installation of Wall Drawing 579, at Sala 1 in Rome, Italy, featured curved bands of color filling the space beneath an arch. In the installation at MASS MoCA, the arch shape is drawn on…
Find out more »<!-- --> Six white geometric figures (outlines) superimposed on a black wall. October 1976 White crayon on black wall Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Purchased with matching funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Modern and Contemporary Art Council (M.76.103) First Installation Claire Copley Gallery, Los Angeles First Drawn By Chris D'Arcangelo, Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor By the 1970s, Sol LeWitt had expanded his formal vocabulary (originally just a series of parallel,…
Find out more »<!-- --> Circles and arcs from the midpoints of four sides. (ACG 59) July 1972 Black pencil Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation MTL Gallery, Brussels First Drawn By P. de Jong, Sol LeWitt, F. Spillemackers, L. Verdeeck MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor In the early 1970s Sol LeWitt expanded his vocabulary of straight, parallel pencil to include arcs and circles. In 1972, he created a book, Arcs, Circles, and Grids, for the Kunsthalle Bern in…
Find out more »<!-- --> Scribble: Square without a square. July 2008 Graphite LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation MASS MoCA , North Adams, MA First Drawn By Takeshi Arita, Jennifer Chian, Aran Jones, Michael Benjamin Vedder MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 1260 is one of two drawings in the retrospective that have been installed for the first time at MASS MoCA. The drawing is part of a series, begun by Sol LeWitt in 2005, in which the draftsmen apply graphite…
Find out more »<!-- --> Bands of lines 12 inches (30 cm) wide, in three directions (vertical, horizontal, diagonal right) intersecting. September 1969 Black pencil Collection Michalke First Installation Institute of Contemporary Art, London First Drawn By James Walker MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Early in his career, Sol LeWitt began to have others help execute his wall drawings. Wall Drawing 16, for example, was first drawn by James Walker. By allowing other draftsmen to realize his work according to his instructions…
Find out more »<!-- --> Loopy Doopy (orange and green). September 1998 Acrylic paint Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, Massachusetts; partial gift of the artist and partial museum purchase with funds from Mimi Won and anonymous donor. First Installation PaceWildenstein, New York First Drawn By Elizabeth Alderman, Sachiko Cho, Edy Ferguson, Anders Felix Paux Hedberg, Choichi Nishikawa, Jim Prez, Emily Ripley, Mio Takashima MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 880 is one of several wall drawings subtitled Loopy Doopy, which…
Find out more »<!-- --> Scribbles. (Yale) July 2008 Graphite Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (Designated for Yale University Art Gallery) First Installation MASS MoCA , North Adams, MA First Drawn By Takeshi Arita, Jennifer Chian, Aran Jones, Michael Benjamin Vedder Mass MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Throughout his career LeWitt generated complex structures using the simplest of artistic elements and gestures. In his final wall drawings, the scribble served as the basic unit of his work. Wall Drawing 1261, one…
Find out more »<!-- --> Scribbles: Inverted curve (horizontal). October 2005 Graphite Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galleria Studio G7, Bologna, Italy First Drawn By Asmir Ademagic, Rachela Abbate, Marco Bertozzi, Elisa Cancucci, Alessandra Frisan, Elena Latini, Luca Lolli,Viviana Longo, Benny Mangone, Juri Marsigli, Maria Lucrezia Schiavarelli, Anthony Sansotta, Francesca Simeone, Alessio Tugnoli, Simone Vagnetti MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Wall Drawing 1185 is one of three scribble drawings that were first designed for Galleria Studio G7 in…
Find out more »<!-- --> Ten thousand lines about 10 inches (25 cm) long, covering the wall evenly. June 1971 Black pencil Collection of Henry S. McNeil First Installation The Bykert Gallery, New York First Drawn By R. Holcomb, Kazuko Miyamoto MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor In 1970, Sol LeWitt further distilled the formal vocabulary he used in his wall drawings. Whereas bands of parallel lines characterized his earlier graphite wall drawings, he later began to isolate the single line as a…
Find out more »<!-- --> A square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, one gray, one yellow, one red and one blue, drawn with color and India ink washes. December 1982 India ink wash and color ink wash LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation John Weber Gallery, New York First Drawn By Anthony Sansotta MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor The four colors in Wall Drawing 381 are arranged based on the system that Sol LeWitt would eventually codify for the organization…
Find out more »<!-- --> A 6-inch (15 cm) grid covering each of the four black walls. White lines to points on the grids. Fourth wall: twenty-four lines from the center, twelve lines from the midpoint of each of the sides, twelve lines from each corner. (The length of the lines and their placement are determined by the drafter.) (Detail: 4th wall only) July 1976 White crayon lines and black pencil grid on black wall Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Purchase…
Find out more »<!-- --> The location of one hundred random specific points. (The locations are determined by the drafters.) August 1977 Black pencil and black crayon Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Art & Architecture building, Yale University, New Haven First Drawn By Jo Watanabe, Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing 305 is composed of one hundred random specific points that are determined by the draftsman. The points are random in that they may be placed anywhere on the wall. The…
Find out more »Isometric form. December 2001 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires First Drawn By Ignacio Amespil, Cecilia de Arriba, Veronica del Toro, Tomas Fraccia, Francisco Gomez, Bruno Grisanti, Favio Guadagna, Walter Mantegazza, Erik Martinut, Barbara Mendez de Leo, Lola Quiroz, Anthony Sansotta, Santiago Solda MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor In the first few years of the twenty-first century Sol LeWitt created many acrylic wall drawings which feature geometric configurations composed of brilliantly…
Find out more »<!-- --> Squares bordered and divided horizontally and vertically into four equal squares, each with bands in one of four directions. June 1999 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galerie Franck + Schulte, Berlin First Drawn By Fransje Killaars, Roy Villevoye MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Sol LeWitt's earliest wall drawings utilize lines in four directions (vertical, horizontal, diagonal left, and diagonal right) drawn in graphite sticks and sometimes yellow, red, and blue…
Find out more »<!-- --> Rectangles formed by 3-inch (8 cm) wide India ink bands, meeting at right angles. July 1989 India ink Yale University Art Gallery, Gift of the artist First Installation Lisson Gallery, London (installed at Yale November, 2006) First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Liam Longman, Philip Riley, Jim Rogers, Elizabeth Sacre MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor
Find out more »<!-- --> Bars of color (La Coruña). May 2002 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza, La Coruña, Spain First Drawn By German Tajes Camiño, Sachiko Cho, Jose Ramon Fraga, Jose Carlos Soliño, Manuel Gracia Solana, Constantino Diaz Vazquez, Jose Luis Vazquez, Jo Watanabe The crisscrossing bars of color in Wall Drawing 1046 produce a sense of movement and the illusion of transformed architectural space. The drawing is one of…
Find out more »<!-- --> On a black wall, nine geometric figures (including right triangle, cross, X) in squares. The backgrounds are filled in solid white. December 1980 White crayon on black wall A, B, C, D, E, F (Square, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram) Pinault Collection First Installation Larry Gagosian Gallery, Venice, CA First Drawn By Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor By the 1970s, Sol LeWitt had expanded his formal vocabulary (previously straight lines in four directions) to include arcs,…
Find out more »<!-- --> Two flat-topped pyramids with color ink washes superimposed. April 1987 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, the Netherlands First Drawn By Fransje Killaars, Ton van der Laaken, Roy Villevoye MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor First completed in 1987, Wall Drawing 527 is one of Sol LeWitt's many works from that time that make use of isometric forms and color ink washes. The original instructions for this drawing call for two…
Find out more »<!-- --> Asymmetrical pyramid with color ink washes superimposed. May 1985 Color ink wash Cuomo Collection First installation Sala de Exposiciones de la Fundacion, Caja de Pensiones, Madrid First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor
Find out more »<!-- --> Tilted forms with color ink washes superimposed. December 1987 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh First Drawn By David Higginbotham, Linda Taylor, Jo Watanabe MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Wall Drawing 552D is a part of the body of wall drawings presenting a figure the artist described as not quite a cube. Despite their volumetric appearance, these forms adhere as much to the idea of flatness as Sol…
Find out more »<!-- --> On a wall divided vertically into fifteen equal parts, vertical lines, not straight, using four colors in all one-, two-, three-, and four-part combinations. July 1971 Colored pencil Centre Pompidou, Paris Musée national d'art moderne/Centre de création industrielle First Installation Toselli Gallery, Milan First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Several of Sol LeWitt's early wall drawings present all possible combinations of straight lines drawn in four directions. For example, Wall Drawing 85, on…
Find out more »<!-- --> Five degrees of scribbles: A cube without a cube; A cube without a corner. August 2005 Black pencil Collection of Arne and Milly Glimcher First Installation Glimcher Residence, East Hampton, New York First Drawn By Anthony Sansotta, Roland Lusk MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor In the early 1980s, Sol LeWitt began to play with isometric drafting methods, in which a three-dimensional object is represented perspectivally in a two-dimensional drawing. Wall Drawing 1171 depicts two variations of the…
Find out more »<!-- Projecting form. July 2003 Colored pencil Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt --> Projecting form. July 2003 Colored pencil Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation PaceWildenstein, New York First Drawn By Anthony Sansotta, Jason Rulnick MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Closely related to Wall Drawing 1094, previously on display* at MASS MoCA on the third floor, Wall Drawing 1094A was first completed in the summer of 2003 at PaceWildenstein Gallery in New York. As in…
Find out more »<!-- --> A square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with lines and colors in four directions superimposed progressively. June 1971 Colored pencil Glenstone, Potomac, MD First Installation LeWitt residence, New York First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall Drawing 87 was first installed by Sol LeWitt in his own home in 1971. Like many of the wall drawings from this time, the work consists of a system of parallel lines drawn…
Find out more »<!-- --> A 10-inch (25 cm) grid covering the wall. An increasing number of vertical not straight lines from the left side and horizontal not straight lines from bottom to top, adding one line per row of the grid. All lines are spaced evenly based on the number of lines, filling the last row of each direction. June 1972 Black pencil Yale University Art Gallery Gift of the LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black square divided horizontally and vertically into four equal parts, each with a different direction of alternating flat and glossy bands. April 1997 Acrylic paint The Art Institute of Chicago, Through prior gifts of Judith Neisser and Mary and Leigh Block; Norman Waite Harris Purchase Fund, 2006.168 First Installation Ace Gallery, New York First Drawn By Artistides Dé Leon, Sachiko Cho, Derek Edwards, Naomi Fox, Henry Levine, Sunhee Lim, Jason Livingston, Emil Memon, Travis Molkenbur, Caroline Rothwell…
Find out more »<!-- --> A black outlined square with a red horizontal line centered on the axis between the midpoint of the left side and the midpoint of the right side and a red diagonal line centered on the axis between the lower left and upper right corners. April 1973 Red and black crayon Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Museum of Modern Art, Oxford First Drawn By Sol LeWitt, Nicholas Logsdail MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor Wall…
Find out more »<!-- --> The location of six geometric figures. (The specific locations are determined by the drafter.) September 1975 Black pencil and black crayon The Art Institute of Chicago, Through prior gifts of Judith Neisser and Mary and Leigh Block; Norman Waite Harris Purchase Fund, 2006.166 First Installation Gentofte Kommunes Kunstbibliotek, Copenhagen First Drawn By Steingrim Laursen, Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor This work belongs to a series of drawings in which Sol LeWitt experimented with textual instructions…
Find out more »<!-- --> On a blue wall, a black square within a white border. April 1993 India ink, color ink wash, gouache Yale University Art Gallery, Katharine Ordway Fund First Installation Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts First Drawn By Sachiko Cho, Leslie Maloney, Shawn Perry, Anthony Sansotta, Philip Sirois MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor Originally paired with its red counterpart, the blue detail of Wall Drawing 725A references some of Sol LeWitt's earliest serial pieces. These wall…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall is divided horizontally into two equal parts. Top: alternating horizontal black and white 8-inch (20 cm) bands. Bottom: alternating vertical black and white 8-inch (20 cm) bands. January 1990 India ink Yale University Art Gallery Gift of Alexis B. Dittmer and Jason J. Dittmer First Installation Galerie Onrust, Amsterdam First Drawn By Paul Kleijne, Milco Onrust, Marien Schouten MASS MoCA Building 7 Second Floor In his first wall drawings, Sol LeWitt reduced drawing to its most basic…
Find out more »<!-- --> Rectangles, with color ink washes superimposed. Each is bordered by a 10-inch (25 cm) band with color ink washes superimposed, a ½-inch (1¼ cm) white band, and a 4-inch (10 cm) black band. December 1988 Color ink wash Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt (583F is Designated for Yale University Art Gallery) First Installation Des Moines Art Center First Drawn By Connie Butler, Douglas Geiger, Paul Mankins, Tory Pomeroy, Anthony Sansotta, Rebecca Schwab, Janice Shotwell, Michael Willoughby…
Find out more »<!-- --> A wall divided from the upper left to the lower right by a curvy line; left: glossy yellow; right: glossy purple. June 1998 Acrylic paint Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Palazzo Forti, Verona First Drawn By Cristina Caterinangeli, Anthony Sansotta MASS MoCA Building 7 Third Floor Many of Sol LeWitt's earliest painted wall drawings were executed in monochrome black. However, as he gained experience with the medium, he began to…
Find out more »<!-- --> The location of a trapezoid. June 1974 Black pencil and black crayon Courtesy of the Estate of Sol LeWitt First Installation Galleria Sperone, Turin First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor One of the six basic figures in Sol LeWitt's vocabulary, the trapezoid in Wall Drawing 237 is determined using the artist's essential language of geometry, utilizing midpoints, corners and the center of the wall. This is an example of a location drawing in…
Find out more »<!-- --> The location of a parallelogram. June 1974 Black pencil and black crayon LeWitt Collection, Chester, Connecticut First Installation Galleria Sperone, Turin First Drawn By Sol LeWitt MASS MoCA Building 7 Ground Floor This wall drawing, like The location of a trapezoid, is an example of the location drawing series in which Sol LeWitt explores possible relationships between textual description and physical drafting. The text that directs the construction appears on the wall beside the figure, displaying both the…
Find out more »<!-- --> Six-part drawing. The wall is divided horizontally and vertically into six equal parts. 1st part: On red, blue horizontal parallel lines, and in the center, a circle within which are yellow vertical parallel lines; 2nd part: On yellow, red horizontal parallel lines, and in the center, a square within which are blue vertical parallel lines; 3rd part: On blue, yellow horizontal parallel lines, and in the center, a triangle within which are red vertical parallel lines; 4th part:…
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