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Janka Nabay and The Bubu Gang


  • Archive, Live Music

  • Saturday, March 11, 8pm
  • $10 STUDENT
    $16 ADVANCE
    $22 DAY OF
  • Club B10

Claiming the holy trinity of Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, and God as his primary inspirations, the Sierra Leonean singer Janka Nabay has almost single-handedly revived the ancient tradition of Bubu, updating a form with 500-year-old roots in magic-infused folk ceremony into frenetic, hypnotic dance music with flourishes of electronica.

What to expect
This event will be “up in the club” with cabaret-style seating. Preferred ticket seats are located by the venue stage. Our café will deliver your dinner, and the bar is always well-stocked with Bright Ideas Brewing and Berkshire Mountain Distillery spirits. Be ready to make new friends — our tables seat five, and, if your party is smaller, you might find others at your table. Cheers to live events up in the club!

photo by Sidney Schleiff and Oliver Citrin