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Seven Songs for a Long Life

  • Archive, Film

  • Thursday, February 16, 7:30pm
    $5 MEMBERS
    $9 DAY OF
  • Club B10

In this unexpectedly uplifting film, six hospice patients unlock their pasts and illuminate their dreams through song, allowing us into tender, vulnerable, and funny moments of their lives, and revealing an intimate story behind our changing relationship with death.

Catch each installation of our February documentary film series: buy tickets for 3 films and get the 4th film for free.

February 2: A Revolution in 4 Seasons
February 9: Ovarian Psycos
February 23: Everybody Knows… Elizabeth Murray

What to expect:
This event will be “up in the club” with cabaret-style seating. Our cafe serves movie snacks and the bar is always well-stocked with Bright Ideas Brewing and Berkshire Mountain Distillery spirits. Be ready to make new friends — our tables seat five and if your party is smaller, you might find others at your table.