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Ovarian Psycos

  • Archive, Film

  • Thursday, February 9, 7:30pm
    $5 MEMBERS
    $9 DAY OF
  • Club B10

A new generation of women of color in East Los Angeles are redefining their identity and building community through a raucous, irreverently named bicycle crew that takes to the streets to reclaim their neighborhoods.

Catch each installation of our February documentary film series: buy tickets for 3 films and get the 4th film for free.

February 2: A Revolution in 4 Seasons
February 16: Seven Songs for a Long Life
February 23: Everybody Knows… Elizabeth Murray

What to expect:
This event will be “up in the club” with cabaret-style seating. Our cafe serves movie snacks and the bar is always well-stocked with Bright Ideas Brewing and Berkshire Mountain Distillery spirits. Be ready to make new friends — our tables seat five and if your party is smaller, you might find others at your table.