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House of Oracles A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective

  • Archive, Archive Exhibitions, Exhibition

  • March 18, 2006 - February 25, 2007
  • Galleries

Born in China and living in France, Huang Yong Ping has a clear view of the rapidly changing lines that demarcate East from West, tradition from modernity. House of Oracles, the first-ever retrospective of his work, muses on history, cultural identity, and globalization through 40 surprising—and sometimes jaw dropping—works ranging from a gladiatorial arena for insects, to a 20-ton sand castle, to a full-size airplane fuselage. Ping has been shown two previous times at MASS MoCA, first as part of Unnatural Science in 2000 and more recently with Dragon Boat, a major work of sculpture commissioned and fabricated by MASS MoCA as part of its Yankee Remix exhibition in 2004.

Learn more about Huang Yong Ping.
Click here to order an exhibition catalog.

Huang Yong Ping, 11 June 2002 — The Nightmare of George V (2002) and Bank of Sand, Sand of Bank (2000/2005)
photo by Kevin Kennefick