There are some things that kids just love. For some reason, brayers (paint rollers) are solidly in that category. It doesn’t matter how simple a project is, if it involves paint brayers, kids are all over it. Yesterday with our after-school group, we made some tin foil monoprints, which we technically could have done without brayers, but the project was a big hit, probably because the kids got a chance to roll on paint using a tool they might not have used before. Give this project a try at home — with or without a fancy brayer!
You’ll need:
- tin foil
- tempra (washable) paint
- q-tips
- paper
- a brayer (optional)
STEP 1. On a square of tin foil, spread out your paint using a brayer, a spoon, or even just your hands. Be careful to avoid getting too close to the edges.

STEP 2. Use a q-tip to draw in the paint.
STEP 3. When you’re satisfied with your drawing, place a clean piece of paper flat on the foil and apply even
pressure. (We used a clean brayer because they’re awesome, but of course your hands work just as well.)
AND… Voila! Just let dry. We love the texture that the tin foil creates — it looks like a linoblock print, but is way easier to make. Enjoy!