Dive in to a week of sea-inspired art and fun activities at Kidspace!
Inspired by the current Under the Sea exhibition, we will explore the human impact on the environment and our relationship to nature through morning art projects and afternoon bookmaking.
Each day will include:
Art Projects: Sand Mandalas, Treasure Chests, Windsock Printmaking, Watercolor & Pastel Seascapes, Jellyfish Water Bottle Mobiles, Seaweed Book-Making
Games and Movement Activities
Gallery Visits
$75 per child for the entire week. Before and/or after care, from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. & 3:00 – 5:00 p.m., can be provided for an additional fee of $10 per child. A 10% discount is available for additional siblings.
*Please let us know in advance if your child has a food allergy. Healthy snacks will be provided; please bring your own lunches.
Limited space available reserve by calling (413)664-4481 x8131 or e-mail kidspace@massmoca.org today!