- Saturday, June 17, 2pm
- $5 KIDS 6–16
$10 DAY OF - Club B10
Mil’s Trills is voice and bass and electric ukulele and keys and drums — a cornucopia of kid-friendly music. Led by Amelia Robinson, the band’s 2014 debut “Everyone Together Now!” was praised for its “boundless energy and enthusiasm.” (The List) Come early for the opening celebration of Cavernous: The Inner Life of Courage, which takes place in Kidspace from 11am to 1pm.
What to expect
This event will be “up in the club” with cabaret-style seating and pillows on the floor. Lickety Split, our in-house café, serves kid- and adult-friendly lunches before and after the show. Ice cream, too!
Photo by Molly Robinson