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Kavita Shah


  • Archive, Live Music

  • Saturday, February 9, 2019, 8pm
  • $15 STUDENTS
    $17 ADVANCE
    $26 DAY OF
  • Club B10

The stunning vocalist and composer Kavita Shah works elements of Brazilian, West African, and Indian musical traditions into smoldering jazz, reminiscent of Norah Jones. NPR has praised her, “amazing dexterity for musical languages” and our intimate club space is the perfect venue for this transcendent musician. Shah will be joined on stage by her band Chico Pinheiro on guitar, Julian Shore on piano, Sam Minaie on bass, and Clarence Penn on drums.


What to Expect
This event will be up in the club with cabaret-style general admission seating. Preferred Ticket buyers get the best seat in the house, and receive free museum admission on the day of or day after the show. Planning on dinner before the show? Lickety Split, our museum cafe, will serve it to you right here in the venue. or check out restaurants in downtown North Adams. There are several more options right here on our museum campus: Gramercy Bistro, Bright Ideas Brewing, and A-oK Berkshire Barbeque.

Photo Copyright Julien Charpentier