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Jack Ferver


  • Artists In Residence

  • September 2022

“Ferver’s performances are so extreme that they sometimes look and feel like exorcism.” — The New Yorker

In September 2022, the wildly tragicomic writer, choreographer, and director Jack Ferver premiered their first full-length work in three years, Is Global Warming Camp? and other forms of theatrical distance for the end of the world, exploring journalistic remove, weaponized theatricality, and the weight of humanity’s global failures. Ferver inhabits the distance of “the queer” to assume a unique narrative vantage point for assessing the mess we’re in.

This meditation on human fragility and queer kinship took place inside of Marc Swanson’s exhibition, A Memorial to Ice at the Dead Deer Disco. Ferver’s choreography activated Swanson’s icy installation, turning his pieces into artistic architecture. This recent performance marked the latest iteration of a long-time creative partnership we felt ever so lucky to showcase.

Photo by Matthew Leifheit