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Curriculum Takeover for Black Lives Matter



Co-developed by Berkshire County youth and artist Shaun Leonardo, the Curriculum Takeover for Black Lives Matter is a virtual teaching resource where students can direct their own and their peers’ learning around racial injustice. Inspired by Leonardo’s series, The Breath of Empty Space, which was on view from August 2020 through January 2021, the three-part curriculum was developed over a series of virtual conversations during the fall of 2020 and is now available through the link below.

Curriculum Takeover for Black Lives Matter resources

Educators are especially encouraged to share their students’ work with us for consideration on a public Black Live Matter billboard this spring. Learn more via the resources linked above and submit student work here.

The group presented their work in December 2020, to a group of educators, community leaders, and family members. View the recording of the event to hear the youth describe the process and goals of the Curriculum Takeover in their own words.

Image: Abigail Scholl, BART Charter School