Archive, Cinema Lounge, Film
- Thursday, February 11, 7:30pm
- $5 students + members
$9 general - Club B10
In 1948, as Europe emerged from total war, a small group of Jewish American fighter pilots returned to the battlefield for a new cause: the Israeli War of Independence. This film tells the story of their journey back to the homeland.
Director Roberta Grossman joins via Skype for a Q+A following the screening.
About the Series
Young love, forbidden love, love of country, love of dog — however you look at it, love is never simple. Love is Complicated, our annual documentary film series, explores many sides of the human heart.
Stay for a Q+A with the filmmaker after each screening.
What to expect
This event will be “up in the club” with ample seating. Fresh-made popcorn is available, and the bar is always well-stocked.
image courtesy International Film Circuit