In August we hosted our Kids Gallery Quest which focused on “Bright Ideas”! In this hour long venture through the main galleries of MASS MoCA, we searched for pieces that involved LIGHT. One of the first pieces we came across was Diane Landry’s “Knight of Infinite Resignation” which uses plastic bottles, light, and sand to create this beautiful installation found in our “Oh, Canada” exhibition.

Based on Landry’s piece we created our own Magical Lava Bottles. We found easy to follow steps on this blog to help us create these with our kiddos!

I think the best part was dropping the Alka-Seltzer tablets in and watching them bubble up! Kiddos were then encouraged to take them home, drop in an Alka-Seltzer tablet, put a flash light under the bottle, turn the lights off, and TA DA watch the magic happen!
If you’re looking for more project ideas to do with the kiddos look no further than Pinterest. We have just started pinning some fun ideas/activities to get your curiosity rolling!