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Juárez A Documentary Mythology

  • Archive, Theater

  • Saturday, December 3, 8pm
  • $5 member
    $10 student
    $12 advance
    $18 day of
    $24 preferred
  • Hunter Center

This riveting work of theater explores the border community of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico and El Paso, TX — one a hot zone of the drug cartel wars, the other, directly across the border, the self-proclaimed “Safest Large City in America.” Led by Juárez-born and -raised Founding Artistic Director Rubén Polendo, Theater Mitu’s company members condensed hundreds of hours of interviews and field recordings from both cities. Drawing on their research, JUÁREZ: A Documentary Mythology illuminates the region’s memories, hopes, and fears.

What to Expect
Seating is general admission on a riser. Preferred tickets are general admission seats located in the first rows of the theater. A full bar serves Bright Idea Brewing and Berkshire Mountain Distillery spirits.

Planning on dinner before the show? Our museum café Lickety Split rolls out a menu of favorites including Vermont black bean burgers, angus burgers, tasty paninis, quiche, and an array of fresh salads featuring field greens, goat cheese, and grilled pineapple, all priced at $10 or less.

image courtesy of Theater Mitu

NEANew England Foundation for the Arts