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Jo Firestone with special guest Joe Pera


  • Archive, Concert

  • Saturday, February 18, 8pm
  • $10 STUDENT
    $16 ADVANCE
    $22 DAY OF
  • Club B10

Absurdist comedy dynamo Jo Firestone, whose off-kilter talents are on display in the HBO series High Maintenance and in her writing for The Chris Gethard Show, is blazing a hilarious trail across the country, hosting over 40 different formats of live performances (e.g. NYC’s Inner Beauty Pageant and her touring show Friends of Single People). She’s everywhere! Club B10 alum Joe Pera and Dan Licata open the show.

What to expect
This event will be “up in the club” with cabaret-style seating. Preferred ticket seats are located by the venue stage. Our café will deliver your dinner, and the bar is always well-stocked with Bright Ideas Brewing and Berkshire Mountain Distillery spirits. Be ready to make new friends — our tables seat five, and, if your party is smaller, you might find others at your table. Cheers to live events up in the club!

photo by Mindy Tucker