The Mona Lisa Project (MLP) is exclusively designed for teenage girls entering the 7th grade in the fall of 2010, who are seeking the opportunity to explore their creative sides. Over the course of two 16-week after-school program sessions, you will be introduced to yoga, art, journaling, and art dialogues while exploring Kidspace’s Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 exhibitions. Kidspace Artist Mentor and Yoga Instructor, Shannon Toye will lead the weekly 90-minute classes. Activities include learning about art and artists, making art, participating in group discussions, journaling and field trips to local museum, galleries and studios. Practicing yoga as a group will offer participants the opportunity to explore mind-body exercise for life long health and stress management, as well as a tool to promote creativity and focus.
Download the application now or learn more over at the Mona Lisa Project page.